Drivers will be recognized monthly.

Nominations for each month are due by the 15th of the following month.

Download the appropriate form below.


Registration Form

Nomination Form


Nomination Form


Nomination Form


The trucking and motor coach industries have an important impact on our economy, environment and culture. With more than 500,000 motor carriers nationwide, the trucking industry is a driving force in the U.S. economy, delivering food, products, commodities, and other vital resources. Likewise, buses and motorcoaches play a critical role in our economy and in making transportation environmentally sustainable. With such an impact, driver participation in idle reduction is crucial.

The Driver Recognition Program is being created to recognize diesel motorcoach and truck drivers who exemplify “Idling Reduction Ambassador” behavior.

Bus and truck drivers who are observed practicing legal and responsible idle reduction behavior may be nominated for formal recognition and eligible for multiple rewards. See our Award Winners.

Not only will exemplary drivers be rewarded, but their participating employers will also be recognized. The multi-tiered rewards for outstanding/exceptional idle reduction driver behavior include:

  1. In recognition of responsible idle reduction behavior and adherence to the laws, drivers will be presented with a personalized government jurisdiction commendation suitable for framing.
  2. Drivers receiving this commendation certificate will be entered into a monthly drawing to win dinner for two at a restaurant of their choice in the Washington/Baltimore metropolitan region.
  3. Drivers who win certificates and dinners in three consecutive months, will be eligible to win an exciting grand prize from Destination DC (or similar organization), at the end of each quarter.

Drivers are permitted to be nominated for recognition as many times as they are observed exhibiting exemplary idle reduction behavior. Upon nomination, approval and award of a commendation by the selection panel, the same driver is eligible for recognition the following month (only one per month).

Driver Recognition Nominations:

There are several ways that bus and truck drivers can be nominated for recognition under the driver recognition program. Nominations can originate from:

Each of these four categories afford a unique opportunity to identify and recognize the bus and truck drivers who are following the law and setting a good example for other drivers to emulate.

The Selection Panel Composition:

The selection panel is composed of members of public agencies in the Washington DC/Baltimore region (including but not limited to DOTs and MPOs), the American Trucking Association (ATA), the American Bus Association (ABA), the Owner Operator Independent Drivers Association (OOIDA), and Destination DC.

Campaign Outreach Recap Reports:

SInce 2011, more than 400 drivers have been nominated for recognition with the Driver Recognition Program. Full recap reports can be found here.


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